Get Into Golf
Get into Golf for Adults
Get into Golf is a participation program for adults’ beginning their golf journey.
At Westward Ho Golf Club, we deliver programs over three stages providing a solid foundation for participants and, ultimately, leading to the enjoyment of the sport, and if you wish, club membership.
Our Get into Golf program helps adults develop their golf skills in a fun and welcoming environment. The program is the first step on your golfing journey with the ultimate goal of joining the Westward Ho Golf Club.
When are programs run?
Programs are run by our PGA teaching professionals, Anne-Marie Knight and Zak Rollins, at various times throughout the year.
Each program covers the three different stages in the learning process – Introduction, Development and On-Course Playing.
If you are interested in our Get Into Golf program, please feel free to speak to Anne-Marie, Zak or the Club.
For more information, contact Westward Ho Golf Club on (08) 8356 7220 or via email at

Stage 1 – Introduction
The introductory program is designed for adults to help develop golf skills and encourage participation in the sport.
Run by our PGA teaching professionals, they will recommend a further game development program or club membership based on your development.

Stage 2 – Development
Following the introductory program, this is the next stage of your golf development.
This program is perfect for those who have completed the Introductory program or have had some previous golf experience.

Stage 3 – On-Course Playing
This program is perfect for those who have completed previous programs or have had some golf experience.
Our PGA professionals will work closely with you and ensure you will soon be ready for playing out on the course and club membership!
After completing the Get into Golf program, it is time to become a member.
Members have the choice of playing two courses and the club will support you in obtaining a handicap and getting used to playing on both courses.
Details on our membership categories are available by clicking on the following link.